8000 Series USB Hub misidentified as 'USB Diagnostic' device

Occasionally support staff have seen PC's (especially Windows98) where the 8000 Series USB Hub is not properly recognized.  The steps that follow have, to date, provided a successful WorkAround!

  1. Check in the Device Manager.
    If the 8000 series instrument hub is being misidentified as a 'USB diagnostic' device then continue with step number 2.

  2. Remove the drivers for the USB diagnostic device by moving the 'Nodriver.inf' and 'Nodriver.pnf' files from the C:\Windows\INF folder to the desktop (moving makes possible a restore operation if this procedure fails to resolve the situation).

  3. Reboot the system.

  4. The system should now recognize the hub, the 8000 series instrument and the camera every time.

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