Checking and Replacing the Fuse in a Judge II

1) Locate the fuse drawer at the rear of the unit. Disconnect the power cord from the unit.

2) Note and record the number exposed in the Voltage Indicator Window. This number represents the AC power setting (VAC) and will be one of the following: 100, 120 (117), 220, 240.

3) (WARNING - if the Voltage Selection Unit is removed from the Fuse Drawer while completing this step, reinsert it properly using step 2 in “Changing the Voltage Selection Unit”.) Open and remove the Fuse Drawer by grasping and pinching the two latch ribs located at each side of the drawer, and sliding the unit out so that you do not disturb the gray Voltage Selection Unit.

4) Remove and inspect the two fuses. If there is evidence that one or both fuses have blown, replace them with Slo-blo® (5mm x 20mm medium time lag) fuses. Use a 1.6 amp fuse for 100 VAC or 117 VAC units; use a 1 amp fuse for the 220 VAC or 240 VAC units.

5) With both fuses properly seated, slide the Fuse Drawer back into the unit. Before you close it, look at the Voltage Indicator Window to verify the proper voltage is displayed (the voltage noted in step 2). Gently press the Fuse Drawer until you hear a distinct click.

6) Reconnect the power cord to the unit and apply power. If the unit shows signs that the fuses may have blown again contact your GretagMacbeth Service Representative.

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