Create Fogra Media Wedge Verification Report with MT5

MeasureTool 5.0.10 (installed with Profile Maker 5.0.10) supports creation of a PDF verification report for FOGRA Media Wedge 2 and 3 (according to IS= 12647 printing conditions) as well as for Idealliance Control Strip (according to GraCol Coated 1, SWOPCoated 3, SWOPCoated 5).

Follow these steps to generate a PDF verification report:

- Connect your Eye-One

- Launch MeasureTool 5.0.10

- Click on Configuration in Toolbar

- (Re-)select your Eye-One, check on Reflective and Spectral

- Close window

- Select Measure > Chart in Toolbar

- Select your desired ISO Reference file (e.g. 'FOGRA39_MW3_Subset.txt' or 

- Start measurement procedure, you will be prompted to calibrate your Eye-One,
   after this complete your measurements

- When completed click on Close, a measurement preview appears

- Go to menu File/Save As..., define volume where to save measurement file and click Save

- A window appears ans asks if you want to save a Report, click Yes and define where to save PDF report


***Please visit to get detailed documentation about which FOGRAxx file represents
which ISO printing conditions. The documentation is included in the download file for the
     ISO characterisation data (section Products / ISO Char' Data).

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