LCD Calibration Settings in i1Match

LCD displays only provide control over brightness. There is no bias or gain and in some contrast adjustment. The only variation is the intensity of the backlight.


There are two approaches to profiling your LCD display. The first is to select Advanced mode in i1Match, and then simply skip all of the adjustments except for the brightness settings. The second approach is to adjust the brightness to a level that is comfortable for your viewing environment, and then select Easy mode in i1Match to skip directly to the profiling step.


It is the profile that allows graphic packages like Photoshop to display accurate color on screen. The calibration portion helps your monitor behave in a consistent manner over time. Since these variables are unchangeable on an LCD, the concern over controlling them is moot. You will also find that LCD displays do not drift as rapidly as do CRT's. Because of this, control over bias, gain, and contrast are much less relevant on LCD's.

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