When do I need a driver?

X-Rite manufactures many different types of instruments, however almost all of these instruments fall into two categories when we are talking about how they communicate with a computer: Serial or USB. It is not uncommon for  X-Rite's customer service and  application staff to field calls asking for a new driver for "xx" instrument.

When do I need a driver?
It is important to understand that serial devices do not require a driver from X-Rite, though some third party software may use a "driver" or instrument enabler - this would come from the software company not X-Rite. In the case of USB however, on the Windows platform all X-Rite instruments will require a driver supplied by X-Rite, though generally these are installed by the software package and will not need to be installed separately by the end user. On the Macintosh side life becomes a bit more interesting; In OS 8.6-OS9.2 a driver from X-Rite will be required (and supplied by the software using the instrument) in OSX 10.2 and higher no USB driver is required, the OS supplies the required driver.

Generally speaking any USB drivers or updates should be available on our Support page.

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