様々な印刷基材を測定可能 eXact2
比類のない精度と互換性 Ci7860
新製品「X-Rite Link」
Select the appropriate link to help answer your questions regarding communication between an X-Rite 390/391 and printer or software program:
How do I set up the 390/391 to talk to the printer/application?
What printers will work with the 390/391?
What are the RS232 specifications with the 390/391?
What are the pin assignments (pinouts) of the 390/391 chassis?
Connecting the 390/391 to a Hayes compatible modem.
Can I connect the 390/391 to Hyper Terminal in order to test an interface?
What cable does X-Rite recommend to connect to a computer?
What cable does X-Rite recommend to connect to a printer?