Database Export Utility Tutorial

The Database Export Utility is used to extract data from X-Rite's legacy Master Series software and import it into the current Master Series versions. This utility is located on your X-RiteColor Master CD in a directory named Utilities. To install it, just browse the CD to the Utilities directory, and double click on the Database Export Utility.EXE file.
  1. Click on the icon to start the "Database Export Utility". The main program window will appear.
  1. Click the browse button [...] to select the source database. This is the database from which you want to extract or copy data.


Browse to the directory where the database is located, and click on the DBD file.

The file name will correspond to the table below.

Database Extracted From Database File Name
QA-Master Qa1db.dbd
Metallix-QC Maqcdb.dbd
Paint-Master Paintdb.dbd
Plastic-Master Plasticdb.dbd
Ink-Master Imdb.dbd
Textile-Master Tmdb.dbd
  1. Click on Open.


  1. Click on the browse button [...] to select a destination path and filename. The file must be named with an XTF extension (i.e. Paint.xtf).


Click on Save.

  1. Click on Export.

The export progress bar will appear:


followed by

  1. Click on OK, then click on Close.

  2. Open the software into which you will be importing the data. See Related Support for a list of the database compatibilities.

  3. Click on File, Transfer In, and browse to the xtf file you created.

  4. Click on Transfer. This completes the process.

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