This case study explores Sympatex's successful implementation of the Judge LED light booth, enhancing precision in visual color evaluation while reinforcing sustainability.
Learn how this plastics manufacturer achieved 10x improvement after transitioning from HunterLab to X-Rite for color formulation and QC, resulting in faster formulations, consistent evaluations, and less downtime.
Learn how this luxury automotive manufacturer creates digital materials for automotive color matching using PANTORA and MA-T12 to streamline their design and 3D visualization workflow.
Learn how Gul Ahmed uses X-Rite Pantone’s end-to-end digital color suite to move directly to production after the first submission and decrease the lab dip process by 75%.
Explore how a global leader in materials science transitioned from Datacolor to X-Rite and was able to maintain the same level of color accuracy for their adhesive and vinyl wrap products resulting in minimized downtime during the transition.
VS450(後継機種:VS3200)とColor iMatchの組み合わせを使用し、塗料のドローダウンと着色剤を簡単に測定することができるようになり、品質管理および調色プロセスの高速化とカラーマッチの品質改善を実現できました。
Learn how a leading packaging manufacturer transformed color evaluation from a subjective visual process into an integrated and connected color workflow for improved color accuracy.
Explore how an EV manufacturer pioneers sustainability with digital materials, powered by X-Rite’s Appearance Solutions.
Download this free case study to learn how Siegwerk accelerated ink development with Autura Ink, an integrated ink development and quality control platform for ink manufacturers and suppliers.
X-Rite MetaVue(メタビュー)は、ダイアモンド ヴォ―ゲル社のトレーニング時間を短縮し、調色作業を重視することで、この 1 年半においてあらゆる無駄を 35% 削減しました。
With a focus on sustainability, Dongguan Modern Paper found a way to achieve fast, accurate color to streamline production and minimize waste for their production facilities and customers.
Learn how an X-Rite closed loop color control system helped a leading paper mill keep color in spec while managing recycled raw materials, complex requirements, and sustainability initiatives.
アズダ社が ColorCert を用いて印刷会社の作業時間とコストを大幅に削減し、店頭におけるブランドの一貫した品質イメージを維持する方法をご覧いただけます。
フランスの印刷業者であるdes Deux-Pontsは、フィードバック式のカラーコントロールを導入し、オフセットの印刷機を最適化しました。
Primary Color has been reproducing print materials since 1984. Learn how the i1Pro 3 Plus and i1iO enables them to achieve high image quality on backlit material with less manual correction and retouching.