Huey profile won't deactivate on Mac 10.5

Huey and Huey Pro owners who use Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) may find that their computer will continue to use a Huey created profile on restart, even when they might wish to choose some other profile. For Huey owners who upgrade to an i1Display2 or ColorMunki Create colorimeter, and use this product for creating profiles, deleting the earlier Huey profiles is recommended.

If you find that you have selected a non-Huey profile in System Preferences, but the Mac is starting with the Huey profile as active, please follow this procedure.

Go to Apple's System Preferences, click once on Displays, then click on the Color tab. Select the Huey profile, and choose Delete Profile. If you have more than one Huey created profile, you may need to delete all of them.

Obviously if you are continuing to use your Huey or Huey Pro for monitor profile creation, please only delete the profiles that you no longer wish to use.

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