The Fundamentals of Print Process Control

This hands-on workshop reviews the Print Process with eXact and X-Rite software.

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Measuring & Understanding Color for Print & Packaging

This course is designed to give you a solid understanding of the eXact and how to use it with X-Rite software.

You will work with an experienced X-Rite Color Expert and learn through hands-on activities and demonstrations.

  • Learn how to shorten make-ready time, lower consumable costs and increase ROI with color management equipment.
  • Gain an understanding of process control best practices, the key concepts of the G7 methodology, and spot color management from Pantone.
  • This course consists of hands-on demonstrations along with real world examples and a presentation booklet to takeaway key information.

Satisfaction Guaranteed:

If you are not completely satisfied with an X-Rite seminar, we will provide you with a training voucher to attend another future seminar.

Cancellation Policy:

14 days prior to event date 100% refund, 7 days prior to event date 50% refund, less than 7 days no refund will be given. In the event X-Rite needs to cancel the event you will received a 100% refund.

Événements à venir

Date/heure Lieu Site
Ce cours n’exige aucune formation préalable dans le domaine de la couleur et traite de la problématique du contrôle de la couleur dans une variété de secteurs d’activité, dont le commerce et la confection, l’électronique professionnelle et grand public, l’automobile, l’emballage et les industries connexes de la plasturgie, des revêtements et du textile.

eXact Deep Dive

  • Basic measurements including density, dot gain, tone value, and trap
  • Autopatch for process color workflows
  • Comparison functions (Basic Compare and Search Tool) and tolerance settings
  • Bestmatch
  • Opacity and Metamerism Index

eXact Manager Deep Dive

  • Standard creation with eXact Manager and transfer of standards to device for measurement
  • Managing color libraries with eXact Manager
  • Managing PantoneLIVE standards in eXact Manager and on the instrument
  • Job template creation with eXact Manager
  • Job Tools on the eXact, including G7


  • Understanding what it is for and how it affects your workflow
  • The process of profiling the eXact

Color Cert

  • Review of spot color workflow with ColorCert QA Tools
  • Review of process color workflow and scorecards with ColorCert Pressroom Tool, including tolerancing to Characterization Reference Print Conditions (CRPC)

Featured Product Used in Hands On Seminar

  • Instruments: eXact
  • Software: ColorCert
  • This is a practical workshop focused on X-Rite instruments and software

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Fundamentals of Print and Packaging

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Fundamentals Of Going Beyond Density

During this one-day event, industry-recognized color trainers will spend time reviewing the fundamentals of color. 



Fundamentals Seminar Series

Attend this two-day workshop including both the Fundamentals of Color and Instrumentation Seminars. 


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