Poor Results With i1Display Pro On PC

Customers can sometimes experience poor results, unexpected results, color casts, or bad results with an i1Display Pro monitor profile on a PC

If an i1Display Pro profile produces poor results (color cast, low contrast, high contrast, low luminance, etc…), try profiling again after making sure to check the following:

First, make the Windows OS settings that are explained in the following web article.  Although this was written for Windows 7, everything will apply except for Aero Mode…Windows 8 dropped that visual theme.

Link to Web article:

Reset the display to factory settings and then check to see if the display’s menu has “DDC” or “DDC/CI” enabled or turned on.  If so, disable it or turn it off in the display’s menu.  Dell monitor menus tend to place “DDC/CI” in the “Other Settings” of the menu.  Before profiling, be sure to:
·       Connect the measurement device to a properly powered USB port.  Typically, a tower will have rear ports that more reliably and consistently deliver the required power to the device.
·       Avoid using USB ports on keyboards and monitors.  Also avoid unpowered USB hubs as well as USB extensions.
·       An acceptable extension is the use of a powered USB hub.  Some laptop computers will require a powered USB hub to deliver the necessary power.
·       PLACE THE MEASUREMENT DEVICE FLUSH ON THE SCREEN WHEN PROFILING!  This will more easily be accomplished tipping the display back and carefully place the device on the screen while viewing from the side.  An instrument that is not flush on the screen’s surface will result in bad measurement data and then poor results when using the profile.  Do not push on the device while measuring as pressure can change color on LCD screens.
·       Consider turning off all anti-virus and/or firewall software when profiling.
·       Laptops must have the power supply connected when profiling.

Please do the following in exactly this order:

  1. Go to the Windows Explorer and navigate to the “C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Rite\i1Profiler\Profiles” folder.
  2. Right-click on the “XRite_LinearProfile.icc” profile and then left-click on “Install Profile”. Close Windows Explorer.
  3. Open “Color Management” in Control Panel.  Click on the profile named “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc” and then choose “Set Default Profile” to reset your display’s RGB channels to a linear fashion.  The onscreen color should change and will likely look bad.   If “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc” is not in the list of profiles, click on “Add”, locate and select “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc”, and then choose “OK” to add it to the list and then set it as the default.
  4. Close Color Management and Control Panel.
  5. Connect the i1Display Pro and open the i1Profiler software application.
Profile the display using this workflow:

Turn off “ADC” (Automatic Display Calibration) when profiling in i1Profiler’s Advanced Mode.  Automatic Display Control (ADC) can sometimes produce unsatisfactory results.  Follow these instructions to turn “ADC” off:
1.       Typically, users should select a white point of “D65”, a luminance setting of “120”, and “Native” for contrast ratio.
2.       In the “Measurement” step, select the “Adjust brightness, contrast, and RGB gains manually”. This will unselect "Automatic Display Control (ADC)"  
3.       Uncheck the contrast or RGB options if those controls are not manually adjustable on your monitor.  Most LCD users will uncheck RGB and allow the profile to adjust the curves to reach the desired white point.  Some displays do not have an adjustable contrast when connected via DVI, HDMI, and/or DisplayPort.  If this is the case with you, uncheck the contrast adjustment.  DO NOT unselect the option to adjust brightness manually…this must remain selected.
4.       Click “Next” to save these settings and begin the profiling process.
5.       Create a new display profile. When saving the profile, use a unique name (i.e., insert the month and year BEFORE the “.icm”).  The profile name MUST end with “.icm”.

The recommended display profiling settings of a D65 white point, 2.2 gamma, and 120cd/m2 has been set by the industry experts.  The photographers and graphic designers of the world have determined that a monitor profiled to these parameters will most closely match a print that is viewed in a 5000K light booth (Graphic arts standard).  The default gamma (aka; tone response) is set at 2.2 in the Profile Settings step.  We recommend using the Advanced method and select a luminance of “120”.  If your prints are darker than your display, feel free to try a lower display luminance setting of 100, 90, or even 80.

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