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X-Rite Device Bridge

The X-Rite Device Bridge app is an integral part of X-Rite's ecosystem, supporting cloud-based applications such as NetProfiler (Online version), Autura, and other web-based tools. It ensures precise color management and facilitates efficient workflows across various industries.


Fiche technique

Instruments pris en charge eXact, eXact XP, eXact 2, CI52, CI62, CI64, MAT-5, MAT-12
Minimum Browser Requirements Safari 14.1, Chrome 96, Edge 97, Firefox 96, Chrome on Android 100, Safari on iOS 12.2
Langues prises en charge Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish
Connexion Internet Broadband speed to ensure uninterrupted productivity
Résolution d'affichage 1920x1080

Des questions ? Besoin d’un devis ? Nous contacter(888) 800-9580