Moving Data From XCM to IFS/CQ5 Through iQC/Match

IFS/CQ version 5 did not allow direct exchange of data.


To move data from X-Rite Color Master to IFS/CQ 5 requires the intermediary use of iQC/Match. Data comes from XCM in the form of a MIF file and is transferred into iQC/Match. The data is then exported from iQC/Match in the form of a CxF file that IFS/CQ 5 can recognize. To move data from IFS/CQ 5 into XCM, the reverse of this procedure applies. Only Standard and sample data can be moved in this fashion and calibration sets, colorant files, and assortments can not be transferred via any method to date.

Data From X-Rite Color Master v8.1 to IFS/CQ 5

  1. Transfer MIF Data out of XCM:
    1. Select Database
    2. Find Standards
      XCM Find Standard
    3. Search (use filter)
      XCM Search Standards
    4. Select Desired Data (CTRL or Shift + Enter)
      XCM Select Standards
    5. Transfer using MIF format (select a convenient storage location)
      XCM Transfer MIF File
  2. Transfer MIF Data into iQC/Match
    1. Create a new job or select an existing job with data already in it.
    2. Select Data then Import Data from other File Types
      iMatch Import MIF File
    3. Select MIF file from step 1) and open
    4. Select standards and assign to Set data types and location in job tree
      iMatch Select Standards
    5. Select trials and set data type to Trial (Note: All trial names may not show.)
      iMatch Select Trials
    6. Select a standard as "Current Standard" and Hi-light trials to be associated with this standard. Right Click and select "Associate Trials with current Standard".
    7. Repeat Step f. for the rest of the trial associations to their proper standards.


The process to move data from IFS/CQ 5 is the reverse of this process. From IFS/CQ 5 export the data as a CXF file. Next, in I QC/Match “Import Data From Other File Types.” From iQC/Match select data from data tree and “Export Selected Items to MIF File.” Finally, in X-Rite ColorMaster “Transfer In” the MIF file.

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