Oasis Pro and the 890

How do I set up an 890 to communicate with Fuji Oasis Pro software?OASIS PRO and the 890
Application :OASIS PRO
Vendor :Fuji Hunt
Platform :Windows XP
Version : 
Cabling :SE108-92 (cable)
Notes : 

OASIS Pro is a photographic quality control package along the lines of Kodatel, QCNet, & WinDense. Uses the Kodak Advanced Technet RS232 protocol. To configure hardware & software, attach a null modem cable between the X-Rite and the PC. On the X-Rite set the following modes

  1. Press the two right-hand buttons to ensure that the unit is at the  MAIN MENU.
  2. Using the first (left-hand) button, press the "p1" and "p2" to go to "p3" (Page 3). 
  3. Tap the button below "cnfg".
  4.  Tap the "p1" to go to "p2" and tap the second button below "IOpreset".
  5. Repeatedly tap that second button (where IOpreset was displayed) until you see the option noted as "c:I/O#1".
  6. Press the 'load' button. In a couple of seconds the word 'SAVE' will appear above the first two keys.
  7. Press both buttons (1 & 2) at the same time to save your selection.

At the OASIS software, the X-Rite 890 (series) Densitometer must be "installed" on OASIS Pro by selecting the following options: System, Densitometer Setup, Password = "PRO", Select or Create X-Rite 890 (891, 892). Fill in the following parameters:

       9600 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity.

Transmission Status A: rgbv
Transmission Status M: cmyp
Reflection Status A: CMYP

   The support number for Fuji Hunt is... 800-526-0851

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