Pantone Formula Scale Technical Support & Service

Pantone Formula Scales may need technical support or repair service from time to time.Pantone no longer services the Pantone Formula Scales in house.
If the scale is a PFS  1 or PFS 2 model , it cannot be upgraded with any of the over 600 newer PANTONE colors that have been released since May 2010.  Given this reality, it would likely be more cost-effective to consider purchasing a new scale.  Please visit for information and list pricing on the current scale models available.
If you would like to pursue servicing, you may contact the manufacturer, Cherlyn Electronics, directly.  The scale would need to be sent to their facility in the U.K.  Technical support and/or repair service for the Pantone Formula Scales can be obtained via e-mail at: or by telephone at: +44 (0) 1223 228275.

Dúvidas? Precisa de um orçamento? Contato. (888) 800-9580