Stop / Start QCcolor Server

A conventional install will provide two batch files that enable you to start or stop the Java engine and hence the Hypersonic / jBoss database. These files are located in the following folder:

"C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.3SP1\bin"

Please note that these files cannot be run directly! Rather they must be executed from the Windows "Start" command as command line parameters are added by the shortcuts.

"Start -> All Programs -> X-Rite -> QCcolorServer -> Start QCcolorServer"


"Start -> All Programs -> X-Rite -> QCcolorServer -> Shutdown QCcolorServer"

Each time the computer is restarted, the "Start QCcolorServer" command is executed from the "All Programs -> Startup" folder. If "Run jBoss as a Service" is implemented then this command is removed else two copies of Java are initialized. "Run jBoss as a Service" provides its own start and stop utilities.

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