¿Busca una ubicación centralizada para gestionar sus productos y servicios X-Rite? Echa un vistazo a My X-Rite. Tanto si necesita información como asistencia sobre productos, detalles sobre servicios o acceso a recursos de capacitación, nuestro portal gratuito en línea está a solo unos clics de distancia. Acceso 24/7: Acceda fácilmente a su panel personal desde su computadora o dispositivo móvil las 24 horas del día. Panel p...

April 25, 2024

Ya sea que esté eligiendo colores para una marca, creando paletas para una nueva línea de productos o diseñando un empaque de temporada, la inspiración es un paso clave en la selección del color. La inspiración puede venir de lugares comunes que ve todos los días, por ejemplo: Una fiesta. La tienda de comestibles. Eventos deportivos. Y, por supuesto, todo el mundo exterior. La madre naturaleza es ideal para crear la paleta de colores más be...

November 04, 2022

La gestión del color ha resultado en una explosión de oportunidades para tintas nuevas e interesantes en una variedad de sustratos como papel, tela, cerámica, materiales transparentes y mucho más. Para asegurarse de que puede mantener un color preciso cuando ejecuta los trabajos con estas nuevas aplicaciones, necesita crear un perfil específico para cada combinación de impresora, tinta y sustrato. X-Rite ofrece las herramientas correctas para que la crea...

September 16, 2022

Formulación de color asistida por computadora | X-Rite  ¿Cuántos pasos de prueba y error le lleva formular un color? Si ha respondido más de tres, puede que sea el momento de recurrir a la ayuda de una solución informática.  La formulación de color asistida por computadora puede aportar grandes beneficios a su negocio.   Desde el principio, incluso los principiantes pueden alcanzar los objetivos de color más ráp...

July 07, 2022

Light booths provide a controlled environment for judging color under different lighting conditions. They can help visually evaluate how different types of light will affect the perception of color, evaluate the color of raw materials before and after production, and ensure different components will remain uniform once they’re assembled.   But not all light booths are the same. With NIST traceability and ISO 17025 accreditation, X-Rite offers worldwide competence in calibration, cert...

December 13, 2021

Impresión de gama extendida La mayor variación entre productos y las exigencias de la fabricación esbelta obligan a los convertidores a trabajar de forma más rápida y eficiente. Implementar la impresión de gama extendida, también conocida como impresión de paleta de colores fija, permite a los propietarios de marcas y diseñadores especificar colores que puedan lograrse en la práctica, a la vez que permite a los convertidores ...

October 16, 2021

Las personas a menudo preguntan cómo X-Rite obtuvo su nombre y cómo llegamos a ser líderes en el arte y la ciencia del color. Es realmente una gran historia, una que se centra en la innovación, el emprendimiento y la determinación. ¿Qué hay en un nombre? X-Rite fue fundada en 1957 por un grupo de ingenieros y empresarios que tenían el deseo de iniciar un negocio basado en la innovación. Los miembros hicieron una tormenta de ideas pa...

May 11, 2021

Flexible film does a lot more than protect goods on the store shelf. When done right, film packaging design can capture attention and increase product sales. But measuring color on film substrates can be challenging, even for the most sophisticated converter. Here's what you need to know to successfully control print color on flexible film. Does your film exhibit interference? When you measure flexible film with a traditional 45°:0° spectrophotometer, the way you position the instr...

April 29, 2020

Controlling color on cylindrical-shaped items like cups, cans, and tubes is a challenge because it’s hard to properly align the measurement device with the sample. Many printers and manufacturers cut a piece from the finished product and lay it flat to take a measurement. While this method works, each sample takes time to cut, wastes product, and risks the safety of the employees who are cutting the samples.  A Faster, Safer Solution X-Rite’s Cup and Cylinder Fixture works ...

July 17, 2019

When you think of Albert Munsell, do you think of dirt, food and electrical wires? The United States government does. Munsell Color Standards are used for more than just design and Fine Art. They’re also used to ensure safety and reliability, and to maintain compliance with federal regulations. Today we’ll look at some of the government agencies and trade associations that rely on Munsell’s exacting standard color codes. French Fries, Anyone? From tomatoes to pumpkins, Munse...

April 30, 2019

Tim Mouw is our Manager of Applications Engineering & Technical Support for the Americas. Tim is so knowledgeable about the impact of color in many industries, and his stories always intrigue us. Tim has authored many X-Rite Pantone blogs, including: What is metamerism, and why should you care? Effective ways to measure reflective surfaces What’s sabotaging your sustainability efforts? 5 color evaluation pitfalls to avoid Why is controlling color so hard? We recently sat down with him to...

July 12, 2016

If you use eXact with BestMatch™, the answer might be yes. BestMatch helps you determine if you can achieve a closer match to a specified color by adjusting ink on press. Formulating ink for a press run can be tricky because there are many things that go into it. The vehicle, colorants, and solvents are just a few of the things that impact ink quality, and whether it comes from your ink supplier or you mix it yourself, ink can vary in thickness or concentration. With BestMatch, you can confirm t...

November 03, 2015

As ArtPrize Seven comes to a close, I wanted to thank everyone involved in this year’s event, including the artists, visitors, venues, volunteers, sponsors and event organizers, for making this such a colorful and engaging art experience. It brought excitement to our community, and inspired visitors from around the world. As a leadership sponsor and Grand Rapids-based company, X-Rite Pantone was honored to be such a big part of ArtPrize Seven, an art event like no other. Much of the X-Rite Pant...

October 12, 2015

X-Rite Pantone is excited to announce that we are a leadership sponsor of this year’s ArtPrize®. ArtPrize is an international art competition that fills three square miles of downtown Grand Rapids with inspiring creations each fall. It’s a show like no other – art is displayed both indoors and out, anyone can enter, and it’s free and open to the public. The science of color Our partnership with ArtPrize is a natural fit for X-Rite Pantone. The event, which takes place September 23 – Octo...

September 08, 2015

Each year the Printing Industries of America selects the most innovative graphics arts solutions to receive the 2015 InterTech™ Technology Awards. This year, the X-Rite eXactTM spectrophotometer with Scan Option was among the recipients of this prestigious award. Today we’ll take a look at the top features that make the eXact with Scan Option a star with offset litho, flexo, and digital printers. X-Rite eXact is the only device that measures for optical brighteners for both inks and substrate...

July 27, 2015

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