Dans le monde en constante évolution de l’impression et de l’emballage, la précision des couleurs est un défi majeur. Que vous souhaitiez faire correspondre des couleurs de marque, contrôler la densité de l’encre ou assurer la régularité de la qualité, le choix de l’instrument de mesure de la couleur adapté peut faire toute la différence. Comprendre les instruments de mesure de la couleur Le choix de l...
Vous affirmez que la couleur est importante, mais savez-vous pourquoi ? En réalité, la couleur est un élément essentiel du processus de fabrication. Malheureusement, de nombreux fabricants réalisent qu’il est aujourd’hui beaucoup plus compliqué d’obtenir une couleur correcte, alors que les marques qu’ils accompagnent leur exigent de respecter des tolérances toujours plus strictes. En voici les raisons. Si les progrè...
Dans un monde parfait, vous devriez pouvoir mettre de l'encre dans la presse, exécuter un travail et obtenir une couleur uniforme. Malheureusement, chaque année, les opérations d'impression en flexographie et en héliogravure gaspillent de l'encre, des substrats et du temps à essayer d'obtenir la bonne couleur. Bien que les progrès de la technologie aient facilité l'obtention des bonnes couleurs, les variables qui affectent la couleur existent tou...
Softproofing – the ability to simulate how an image will appear in print right from your monitor – can save a lot of time and effort in your printing workflow. Although many photographers already rely on it, anyone who designs, approves, prepares or prints brand and color-critical images can also benefit. With softproofing, designers can create with actual specified colors (no more trial and error!), project owners can approve layouts without physical proofs (predictable color!), and...
L'accord inter-instrument est un élément très important à prendre en compte lors du choix des appareils de mesure de la couleur pour votre flux de travail. Malheureusement, c'est un sujet tellement technique qu'il entraîne beaucoup de confusion sur sa signification et son importance. Le spectrophotomètre à sphère de paillasse Ci7860 est doté d’un accord inter-instruments de 0,06 Delta E* en moyenne, ce qui permet aux marques de...
If you recently invested in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter, you know there’s a lot more to learn about color measurement than just how to use your new device. To help you begin exploring the exciting world of color, we’ve compiled seven blogs that explain how to set up your color measurement device, care for it, and use it to its maximum potential. 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Spectrophotometer Using a spectrophotometer (“spectro” for short) to measure color doesn...
With today’s complex cross-media campaigns, accurate profiling is even more important for managing customer expectations across the color supply chain. Our i1Pro 2 solutions help photographers, videographers, prepress and digital printers create profiles for the best color on monitors, scanners, projectors, printers, and online web-to-print submission tools. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which is the right tool for your color workflow? Whether you’re looking to add a new comp...
If you’re a commercial printer who wants to improve color quality and consistency, this blog is for you. X-Rite color management solutions for print and packaging deliver excellence in quality control, formulation and automation. Ray Cheydleur is a printing industry veteran of more than 20 years, a standards guru, and our Portfolio Manager for Printing and Imaging Products. Passionate and very knowledgeable about color, he has a talent for helping printers improve their color quality and c...
We’ve all done it. Snapped a picture on a digital camera or smart phone, sent it to the computer, made a few adjustments, then sent it off to print…. only to be disappointed. The sky looks green. Grandma’s hair is purple. The contrast is so far off you can’t even see that cute little puppy. Stupid camera. The struggle is real for so many people, from hobbyist to professional photographers, graphic designers, and professional printers. Let’s look into this all-too-common mystery of the off-color ...
In a perfect world, you should be able to put ink in the press and run a job. Unfortunately, there are so many variables that affect color that printing operations often waste thousands of pounds of substrate, and thousands of dollars in press time, making adjustments. Advancements in technology have made it easier to measure color, but the variables still exist. To help you over come them, we’ll be featuring a series that points out many of the reasons your color could go wrong at press side....