O controle de qualidade é um aspecto importante de qualquer fluxo de trabalho de cores. Embora muitos de nossos clientes usem um espectrofotômetro portátil para controle de qualidade, há momentos em que um espectrofotômetro de bancada é uma escolha mais apropriada. Hoje vamos explorar alguns dos motivos pelos quais você pode querer escolher uma bancada para controle de qualidade e oferecer dicas para garantir que seu fluxo de trabalho de controle de ...

Posted March 25, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Espectrofotômetros são excelentes para medir amostras em relação aos seus padrões de cor e comparar diferenças, mas pode ser difícil alcançar precisão de cor para produtos com formas irregulares, como líquidos, plásticos, latas e pós. Projetamos uma variedade de peças e acessórios - também chamados de "plataformas e gabaritos" - para muitos de nossos instrumentos, facilitando a mediç&at...

Posted October 02, 2019 by Mike Huda

Spectrophotometers are color measurement devices that measure color to ensure it remains consistent from the time it’s specified until final quality check. They can be used to measure everything from liquids and plastics to paper, metal, and fabrics for just about every industry.   Here Are Our Top Spectrophotometer Picks for 2019.   Best Spectrophotometer to Create Digital Standards Using a digital standard is the most accurate way to specify and communicate color, des...

Posted August 16, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Ao escolher um produto alimentício, as pessoas consumidoras exigem consistência tanto no sabor quanto na aparência. Embora um lote mais leve de laranjas ainda possa produzir uma deliciosa mistura de suco, uma cor pálida pode comprometer a aprovação do USDA e deixar quem está consumindo, questionando a qualidade. Infelizmente para quem é fabricante de alimentos e bebidas, a cor dos alimentos – especialmente bebidas como suco de frutas ...

Posted August 15, 2019 by X-Rite Color

There’s been a lot of research around the role color plays in how we expect food to taste. The fact is, we judge flavor by the color of the food or drink, even before the first taste. We expect red foods to taste sweet like strawberries or cherries. White should taste like vanilla, and green is probably limey and tart or minty. Color cues can even determine whether we take that first bite. Most of us won’t even consider trying a food like mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie if it is ...

Posted August 12, 2019 by Tim Mouw

Espectrofotômetros de bancada medem em modo de transmissão ou refletância para capturar e quantificar cores em várias amostras opacas, transparentes e translúcidas, incluindo vidro, líquido, tecido e plástico. Hoje explicaremos a diferença entre medições de transmissão e refletância para que você possa determinar qual bancada atenderá às suas necessidades de medição de cor. Medi&cc...

Posted February 26, 2019 by Mike Huda

No matter what you’re manufacturing, taking spectral measurements will help ensure your color remains accurate and consistent throughout your production run. When choosing the best spectro for your needs, your first consideration should be the type of surface you’ll be measuring. Measuring reflective surfaces poses a challenge because the effect of gloss can actually change the color appearance of a sample. The surface reflection of light is what causes the gloss effec...

Posted April 27, 2016 by Tim Mouw

De sabão em pó a papel e meias, parece que fabricantes de diversas indústrias buscam alcançar os brancos mais brilhantes, uma preferência dos consumidores. Para isso, muitas empresas usam agentes de branqueamento óptico (OBAs) para dar um aspecto "mais branco" aos produtos e manter a competitividade. OBA é a sigla para agente de branqueamento óptico, também conhecido como FWA (Fluorescent Whitening Agent) ou simplesmente branqueador &...

Posted July 20, 2015 by Greg Stehn

Win an iPad! NPE 2015, The International Plastics Showcase, will be held in Orlando, Florida from March 23 through the 27th. It’s a great opportunity to learn about current trends and see live demonstrations of the latest technologies from every sector of the plastics industry. With more than 400 exhibits, it’s expected to be the biggest plastics showcase ever and a great chance to get up-close and personal with product experts in your field. X-Rite and Pantone are thrilled to once again be part...

Posted March 19, 2015 by X-Rite Color

Color mistakes are expensive, and can happen anywhere in the process – during specification, formulation, manufacturing, assembly or – worst case – all of the above. Colors easily drift from raw materials to parts assembly and production – one loose screw in a projection molder and the color will shift. When productions and parts are created in various locations, things get further complicated. Who has time for rework? And who wants to explain the wasted time and materials? Every mistake is expensive. Adding mistakes to mistakes across the entire process is very expensive.

In addressing these issues, data is your friend. Measuring color, across the supply chain and during manufacturing and assembly is the only true way to ensure that color remains consistent. This is foundational to creating a color-managed workflow, and X-Rite’s new Ci7x00 series of benchtops sets a new benchmark for the industry. With up to five aperture sizes and three automated UV filters, the Ci7x00 devices can measure pretty much any surface, size and texture, including opaque, transparent and translucent, wet or dry, with or without gloss. Couple this with customer-friendly service and on-site maintenance for many issues, and you will be the color hero in your department.

So how do you know the color you measured is the color you want?

Posted March 11, 2015 by X-Rite Color

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