Join us to learn how to use digital standards to communicate color across the supply chain. Learn about LAB and Spectral data, and how spectrophotometers can help to achieve and communicate accurate color throughout a quality control workflow.

Visual Evaluation Optimization

During this webinar, you will learn & understand the uses and limitations of physical standards. Learn how to use digital standards to communicate color across the supply chain. Learn about LAB, and Spectral data and how spectrophotometers can help to achieve and communicate accurate color throughout a quality control workflow. Depending on what you're measuring, there are different types available and thus know how to choose instruments and settings to meet your measurement needs.

Webinar Agenda:

  • Realize our Visual Limitation
  • Concept of Color Instruments
  • Usage of Accurate and Precise Color Panel

Webinar is offered in Indonesian Language.

Produtos citados neste webinar

RM200QC Colorimeter

Espectrocolorímetro portátil RM200QC

Para comparações de cor rápidas

Color iQC Para controle de qualidade e garantia da qualidade

Software Color iQC

Para controle de qualidade e garantia da qualidade

Dúvidas? Precisa de um orçamento? Contato. (888) 800-9580