Eye-One or Eye-One Display Not Recognized on Windows

Possible Reason: The hardware was plugged in before installing the software. This means that the software driver necessary for interfacing the i1 Display to the computer was not present.


1. Open Device Manager. Either "Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System > Hardware > device manager" OR press “Win-Key” + “Pause” Key and select > Hardware > device manager..

2. Under “Other Devices,” the Eye-One Display will be marked with a yellow question mark and black exclamation mark. Right-click on the Eye-One display icon and select “Update Driver.”.

3. The Install Wizard will start, and the driver for Eye-One Display will install correctly..


- Always install software before installing USB devices such as Eye-One Display..

- For a correct Eye-One Display driver installation, the following files must be installed:.



- In some cases an upgrade to XP Service Pack 1 may be required to avoid device connection problems.

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