Monitor Calibrations and Profiles on a PC

After you calibrate and profile your display, the profiling software saves the graphics card's calibration curves inside the monitor profile so they can be reloaded on reboot.  Microsoft operating systems do not automatically load the calibration curves that are associated with your monitor profile, so you need an additional utility to load the calibration curves. The name of this calibration loader will vary with the software that you are using, but some common examples are Adobe Gamma Loader, Monaco Gamma Loader, Logo Calibration Loader, HueyPro Tray or ColorMunkiPhoto Tray.

You can find your utility by going to Start > All Programs > Startup Items. If you have more than one calibration loader loading on startup, this can cause conflicts with different software packages trying to load onto the system and fighting over which LUT Loader will load the curves first. You may even hear this referred to as LUT wars. Be sure to remove Adobe Gamma or any other unused calibration loaders.

If you want to change your monitor profile, change the default profile in your Display Properties. Then be sure to relaunch your calibration loader so the appropriate calibration curves are applied to your display.

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