RS232 Specifications - 361T

The following factory defaults are true of all X-Rite 361T densitometers

Word structure / rate

 1 start bit
 7 bits of data
 1 parity bit set to SPACE condition
 1 stop bit
 1200 baud

While the baud rate may be edited, the word structure is fixed. Note that some terminal programs cannot support MARK and SPACE options. Either of the following word structures will receive instrument data correctly.

 1200, 8, N, 1
 1200, 7, S, 1

As shipped from the factory the ASCII data looks like the following.

 n designates the filter, Ortho or UV
 X.XX is the ASCII value of the measured target
 <cr> is the carriage return character
 <lf> is a single line feed character


If only a single field is enabled then the data takes the form:

 n designates the filters, V, R, G, or B
 X.XX is the ASCII value of the measured target
 <cr> is the carriage return character
 <lf> is a single line feed character

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