Setting user access levels

X-RiteColor Master, Formulation Master 2001, and QA-Master 2000 have the ability to give users different levels of access.

To set a user's access levels:

1. In the X-Rite software, click on Options, Administrative.

2. Enter the Administrators password, and click OK.

3. Click on the name of the user and the database you want the user to access.

4. Click the box next to Database Access.  A checkmark indicates the user will have access to that database.

Additional functions can be made active for the user by clicking the box next to the function.  A checked box indicates the function will be active for the user.  When all function access is set, click Apply. Repeat for each user and database.

Restore DatabaseAllows the user to restore a database back-up. All existing data in that database will be over written.
Transfer InAllows the user to transfer in data from another database. Can cause customers and/or standards to be modified.
Add CustomersAllows the user to create new customers.
Edit/Delete CustomersAllows the user to modify or delete existing customers.  If a customer is deleted, all associated standards and samples will be deleted also.
Add StandardsAllows the user to create new standards.
Edit/Delete Standards/ProjectsAllows the user to modify or delete existing standards and projects.  This includes the color values, tolerances, and names.  If a standard is deleted, all associated samples will be deleted as well.
Delete SampleAllows the user to delete the current sample.
Delete Sample SetAllows the user to delete all of the current samples.
Modify Calibration ValuesAllows the user to modify the stored reflectance values of the calibration tile.

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