Using Measure Tool to Read Density and Dot Gain

Can you use a spectrophotometer to get Density and Dot Gain measurements?

If you have a fully licensed copy of Measure Tool, you can use any supported instrument to read density and dot gain, as well as to do some basic quality control checks.

 Once you have read your testchart, you will see Optical Density, Gradation Curve, and Dot Gain options in tabs across the top of the measurement window. Each tab will give you additional options, such as the filters or standards to use. You can export your information as a text document for use in programs like Excel.

Please Note:
We do not recommend the substitution of a spectrophotometer for a densitometer.

Densitometers are specifically designed for these measurements and the environments where they will be typically made. This procedure should only be used for occasional measurements, and not to replace a dedicated densitometer.

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