Automating Color Control in Adobe Camera Raw

In Photoshop, in Mac OSX, you can select multiple Raw image files and open them at the same time in Camera Raw. Once you edit one, you can apply the same edits to the entire series.

Sync settings will copy settings from one image to all other images you select.

If you shoot a lot of images under the same lighting conditions, saving presets will allow you to use these settings over and over.

To use this preset, simply select the Preset tab on the far right and select the preset of your choice from the list. It will automatically be applied.

Adobe allows you to save your Camera Raw settings as a default preset. Since even the same model camera may capture color a little differently, it will be useful to save unique settings for each of your cameras. If, for example, you would like to save a camera profile as the default for your camera, open an image and select the DNG profile, then click on the button that looks like a list and select Save New Camera Raw Defaults. These settings will then be applied automatically any time that you open an image from this camera. Keep in mind, you may need to reselect your white balance for each shot.To ensure these settings are only used for a specific camera’s serial number and ISO setting, set that option in your Preferences.

Keep in mind, this feature may not be supported by every camera manufacturer.

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