Il color management ha generato una miriade di opportunità per inchiostri nuovi e particolari su un’ampia gamma di substrati come carta, tessuto, ceramica, materiali trasparenti e molti altri ancora. Per garantire di poter mantenere sempre accurato il colore quando si eseguono i lavori con queste nuove applicazioni, è necessario creare un profilo di stampa per ogni combinazione di stampante, inchiostro e substrato. X-Rite offre gli strumenti giusti per creare i profili in modo rapido e semplice....

Posted September 16, 2022 by X-Rite Color

In this series we’ve been discussing the many factors that impact how we see color, and what we can do to ensure the color we see is accurate. Light, retinal fatigue and background effects can influence our perception of color. Today we’ll look at the limitations of the human eye and brain, and talk about how to detect these characteristics, especially for individuals responsible for evaluating and judging color. Are YOU color deficient? Read on to find out. (Spoiler alert: There’s a test at the...

Posted September 01, 2022 by X-Rite Color

In my recent blog I explained why the demand for printed fabrics is increasing and the challenge this poses for the digital print industry. Today, with help from Digital Imaging Expert Scott Martin of Onsight, I will share tips and tools to help printers profile textiles for a consistent digital workflow. While smooth textures can often be measured using traditional digital tools, fabrics with texture or specular reflections (like coated canvases) can cause issues. It's a lot harder to achieve ...

Posted January 28, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

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