Un recente emendamento della direttiva UE sulla restrizione all’uso di determinate sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche eliminerà, a decorrere dal 24 febbraio 2025, l’attuale deroga all’utilizzo del mercurio in diverse tipologie di lampade fluorescenti per finalità speciali. Queste lampade sono definite alla clausola 2(b)(4)-I della direttiva UE REACH. Dopo tale data, in Europa non sarà più consentita la vendita di nuo...

Posted February 12, 2024 by X-Rite Color

Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? If not, it should. Using the SpectraLight QC as part of a color evaluation workflow. No matter your industry, judging color is more than just measuring samples with a color measurement device. Just because a spectrophotometer says your color is within tolerance, doesn’t necessarily mean it will look right to the human eye. To minimize customer rejects, your color control process needs to include visual evaluation in a light boo...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Per tutti noi , la digitalizzazione e la sostenibilità sono aspetti sempre più importanti. Tuttavia, il colore viene spesso trascurato quando si tratta di sviluppare prodotti tessili. In tal senso, la digitalizzazione della supply chain tessile e l’adozione del color management in tutte le differenti fasi, potrà garantire benefici immediati in termini di colori più precisi, produzione più rapida e minor spreco di materiali. Con oltre 60 anni di innovazio...

Posted March 13, 2023 by X-Rite Color

As the temperature of light changes, so does our perception of color. As I mentioned in our last post, light plays a huge role in the way we perceive color. Today we’ll look at the science of color in manufacturing and photography; specifically how an object’s reflective and absorptive properties and viewing technology can impact the colors we perceive. To reflect or not to reflect… that is the question. The colors an object absorbs and reflects is determined by its material – is it metal, plas...

Posted August 31, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Light booths provide a controlled environment for judging color under different lighting conditions. They can help visually evaluate how different types of light will affect the perception of color, evaluate the color of raw materials before and after production, and ensure different components will remain uniform once they’re assembled.   But not all light booths are the same. With NIST traceability and ISO 17025 accreditation, X-Rite offers worldwide competence in calibration, cert...

Posted December 13, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Il modo migliore per visualizzare come reagirà il colore nelle condizioni di illuminazione del mondo reale è l’uso di una cabina di illuminazione di qualità. Le cabine di illuminazione tradizionali comprendono illuminanti comuni come luce diurna, incandescente e fluorescente per riprodurre l’aspetto del colore nel punto vendita e, successivamente alla vendita, nell’abitazione e all’aperto. Oggi, il maggiore utilizzo di lampade LED negli ambienti resid...

Posted November 03, 2021 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Black Friday. Not only is it the much anticipated start to holiday shopping, it’s also a day manufacturers have been preparing for all year long. Whether mass-producing holiday cards, candy canes, plastic toys, or festive clothing, accurate color is a must. Manufacturers can’t ship two of the same toy if they won’t match on the showroom floor, and holiday sweaters that are a shade off will end up at a discount store instead of a fashion boutique. Perfection is especially import...

Posted November 25, 2020 by X-Rite Color

As the industrial plastics market grows increasingly competitive and demands more sustainable practices, manufacturers need new ways to formulate and produce accurate color faster, with less waste. Digital color standards are one of the most effective tools to bridge this gap. They also enable color work and communication from remote locations.   With digital color standards, brands and designers can set clear expectations with supply chains. In turn, suppliers can achieve color goals wit...

Posted July 31, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Whether you work with plastics, coatings or textiles, you must consistently achieve in-tolerance color or your product could be rejected before it even makes it to the shelf or showroom.     This is especially true for brands that rely on off-site suppliers and manufacturers for raw materials and parts that come together at assembly, such as the plastic dashboard, fabric seats, and coated interior panels of a car. Even if each site produces in-tolerance color, it must be monitored an...

Posted June 12, 2020 by Tim Mouw
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