5 cose che potrebbero andare storte senza uno spettrofotometro automotive Lo spettrofotometro automotive è uno strumento fondamentale nel settore automotive, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il controllo del colore. Questi dispositivi avanzati garantiscono una corrispondenza precisa del colore delle vernici, un'applicazione coerente e la conformità agli standard richiesti per le finiture dei veicoli. Senza uno spettrofotometro automotive, possono sorgere diversi problemi che influi...
Il 2020 ha obbligato i produttori a ripensare il proprio modus operandi. In tutto il mondo, il COVID ha interrotto drasticamente i viaggi necessari per le approvazioni dei prototipi e ha ritardato la consegna dei campioni fisici. Molti brand owner hanno quindi iniziato a cercare il modo di utilizzare campioni di colori digitali per garantire la produzione ma incontravano difficoltà per l’incapacità di riprodurre l’aspetto che avrebbe avuto il campione di colore sul prot...
Managing color throughout production is always a challenge, but advances in color technology, like the metallic, shimmer, and pearlescence effects designed to capture consumer attention, are taking the frustration to a whole new level for quality control managers. This is especially true when producing parts that must match at assembly, such as the metal panels for a home appliance or the painted side mirrors for a vehicle. Special effects are tricky to control because our perception can c...
Di recente abbiamo discusso sul blog il modo in cui l’aspetto influisce sul colore. In questo articolo esaminiamo alcune delle caratteristiche che influiscono sull’aspetto di un oggetto, come texture, lucentezza, trasparenza ed effetti speciali, e spieghiamo quanto sia importante descrivere l’aspetto sin dalle prime fasi del workflow di design. E se i programmi 3D hanno cercato per anni di affrontare le caratteristiche di aspetto, qualcosa è però sempre mancato n...
Appearance is more than simply color. It’s a comprehensive look at everything inherent to each unique material we come in contact with, including texture, gloss, transparency, and special effects. Each of these characteristics plays a part and has an effect on overall appearance and understanding in relation to a single material. Objects may have several elements that affect appearance, such as the material’s surface texture, construction, overall geometry and micro-surface. The environ...
The World Series starts next week. While players and fans are gearing up for the big event, stadium groundskeepers are preparing, too. You’ve surely seen those meticulous patterns in the grass – crisscross, spiral, plaid – but do you know how the groundskeepers create them? Thanks to a phenomenon called geometric metamerism (aka gonio-appearance), the grass really is greener on the other side. Read on to learn more about this optical illusion that can trick your eyes and wreak havoc on y...
We frequently get calls from customers who can’t figure out why their measurements vary, even when they’re using maintained devices. Why would a sample read one way one day, then slightly different another? Many times the culprit is thermochromaticity, and it becomes an even bigger problem as the seasons change. Every kind of material changes color with temperature. These changes cause the material to exhibit a shift in reflected wavelengths of light, which can alter our perception....
Did you read our blog: Are You Using The Right Tolerancing Method? If not, check it out. Today we’re taking the topic one step further to investigate how tolerances are chosen in different industries. A pass-fail tolerance is the amount of color variation that is considered commercially acceptable. In part, tolerances are driven by customer expectations. While color tolerances are very tight in the automotive, plastics, and paint & coatings worlds, they can be much less strict in other...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time to reminisce… to celebrate our successes, and to explore areas that may need a little more attention in 2017. If color accuracy is on your list of things to improve, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of the blogs our readers found most helpful and interesting in 2016, so you can start working toward your goal of more accurate color in the New Year. Did your favorite blog make the list? Top 10 X-Rite Blogs of 2016 ...