Calibration Verification of a VeriColor Sensor

Calibration Verification of a VeriColor Sensor


All scan heads are factory calibrated and normally do not require recalibration. Your system includes one calibration tool with each hub that can be used to verify calibration from time to time. The calibration tool is used for each sensor head attached to a particular hub. Calibration tools are not specific to any particular sensor head, therefore, one calibration tool can be used for all sensor heads.

The information below illustrates the positioning requirements of the calibration tool on the sensor head. The calibration verification procedure is preformed using the VeriColor software. Please refer to the VeriColor Setup and Operation manual for calibration steps.

Attaching the Calibration Tool

The calibration tool contains a SRM (Standard Reflectance Material) disk that is measured during the calibration procedure.

NOTE: Do not touch the white SRM disk located inside the calibration tool. It must be kept clean to ensure accurate measurements. Always store the calibration tool in its bag when not in use.

  1. Snap the “white” end of the calibration tool onto the optics end of the sensor head. Make sure that the white disk is located directly below the illumination port. The illumination port can be identified by the line that runs along the side of the sensor head.

  2. Select "Verify Calibration" on the "Setup/Diagnostics" window of the VeriColor setup software. 


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