Upgrade - i1, PM5, MonacoPROFILER dongle upgrade instructions

If you are an owner of the most recent versions of i1Match 3, ProfileMaker 5 or MonacoPROFILER 4 solutions, you are eligible for an upgrade to X-Rite's i1Publish Software Suite. The upgrade package includes full functionality of the i1Publish Software Suite and directly supports i1Pro, i1iO and i1iSis instruments. The following products are eligible for the i1Publish Upgrade (formally known as Upgrade A and Upgrade B):


*prior versions not eligible for upgrades

Instructions for upgrading your i1Pro/i1Pro 2 or ProfileMaker 5 product:


The MonacoPROFILER 4 dongles are unable to be programmed to add the i1Publish functionality so we will need to follow these instructions:

North America:customerservice@xrite.com1-800-248-9748
South & Central America:customerservice@xrite.com1-616-803-2000
Japan:JapanOrders@xrite.com+81 3-6825-1641
China:OrdersChina@xrite.com+86 21 6448 1155
Asia Pacific:OrdersAsia@xrite.com+852 2568 6283
India:ExportOrders@xrite.com+41 44 842-2753
Australia and New Zealand:OrdersAsia@xrite.com+852 2568 6283
Central Europe:CEOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
Eastern Europe:EasternOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
UK & Ireland:OrdersUK@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
France:FranceOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
Italy:ItalyOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
Spain & Portugal:IbericaOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753
Middle East & Africa:ExportOrders@xrite.com00800 700 25001 or +41 44 842-2753


An order entry specialist will validate your MonacoPROFILER serial number and your i1Publish upgrade code from the upgrade package. You will receive a new, fully programmed, i1Profiler dongle within 5 business days by mail.

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