From home appliances to computer accessories and mobile phones, the market for consumer electronics is fiercely competitive. This forces manufacturers to rely on color and finish effects to create a distinct personality and be the first to market with color trends. Achieving accurate color on intricate designs with complex color palettes and finishes and multiple parts can be a challenge to replicate throughout production. X-Rite solutions help brands communicate design intent and ensure color harmony between parts and suppliers, and throughout each product line.
X-Rite Ci7860 벤치탑 분광측색계로 디지털 색상 표준 허용오차를 만들고 정밀도를 제공합니다.
MA-5 QC는 생산 현장, 실험실 및 현장에서 일관된 품질 관리 및 특수 효과 마감 색상 측정을 제공합니다.