최신 인쇄 검증 기술
탁월한 정확성과 정밀도
주요: 플라스틱 제조사
주요: 인쇄 & 포장
서비스 요청 작성
주요: X-Rite Link
인쇄 컬러 워크플로우 최적화
To continue, select one of the items below
I am not sure how to attach the ColorMunki to the monitor
I can not get the ColorMunki to calibrate, I keep getting red check marks
The calibration is hanging or allow me to adjust the Advanced settings
I am not sure which settings to select
I am encountering an error when I Profile the Display
I am trying to Profile Dual Displays on one operating system
I am using Windows Photo Gallery and the Images look overly Exposed
I am trying to profile my Projector