VeriColor Solo

Download: VeriColor Solo

Version: v1.02

Previous Version: NA

Release Date: 10/27/2005

File Type: PC - Self-extracting Executable

Download: PC Version

Important:  Zip file includes all v1.02F install filles from master CD database archives.  Please note this SW and the product it supports are Out Of Production.

Notes: Important: You must uninstall any previous version of VeriColor Solo software prior to installing version v1.02.

Download (save) the ZIP file to a temporary folder. Following the download, close all other programs including your browser before performing the update.  Extract the ZIPped items and then run (double-click) the setup.exe to complete the installation,


Significant issues addressed in the release include:

  • Resolved issue that caused application to lock up and not recover when power was interrupted to the system.
  • Corrected Monitor Mode error that caused application to lock up while taking measurements in production.

  • Resolved error that caused the application to freeze when switching screens.

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