Profile Version ICC v2 or ICC v4

ColorMunki Photo and ColorMunki Design v1.1 has added features which allow users to set preferences that pertain to which version of Display and Printer Profiles to create.  This is extremely helpful when some third party applications are not compatible with v4 ICC profiles at this time and can create dark or unexpected results.

ColorMunki Photo and ColorMunki Design v1.1 software now allows  the ability to choose between either v2 or v4 ICC profiles.  This can be very useful  when using an application such as Windows Photo Gallery that is not compatible yet with v4 ICC.  To change these settings simply open the ColorMunki software.  

ColorMunki Photo:
To access these settings on a PC open the software and go to File then Preferences from the tool bar. 
To access these settings on a Mac open the software and go to ColorMunki Photo from the tool bar by your Apple icon then Preferences. 

ColorMunki Design:
To access these settings launch the Profile My Display or Profile My Printer then use the tool bar at the top of your screen.  Once again, on a PC go to File then Preferences on the tool bar.  on a Mac go to Profile My Display on the tool bar by your Apple icon then Preferences. 
This opens these options:



Having the ability to make either ICC v2 or ICC v4 profiles users most likely will never notice the difference between the two versions.  The main changes are structural and the removal of ambiguities that were not needed in the format of these files to allow for better performance in v4.

Per the International Color Consortium "The current version of the specification is Version 4. Color management products are now mostly v4 compatible, and vendors are strongly urged to upgrade their products to be compatible with the v4 specification and its Perceptual Reference Medium Gamut."  You can access additional information on this subject at their website

The default setting is dependant upon your operating system as outlined in the following graph.


Operating SystemDefault Monitor Profile VersionDefault Printer Profile Version
Windows 7 and higher2*4
Windows XP24


*Please note that Windows XP only supports version 2 monitor profiles.

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