L’impronta ecologica della moda è fuori controllo. Stando al National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), “Gli opifici generano un quinto dell’inquinamento mondiale delle acque industriali e per produrre gli indumenti utilizzano 20.000 sostanze chimiche, molte delle quali cancerogene”. Tessuto tinto nello stabilimento. Immagine da NRDC.org.   Un problema che riguarda tutti Sapevi che occorrono circa 200 tonnellate di acqua (sufficienti a riempire svariate...

Posted April 12, 2023 by X-Rite Color

La sostenibilità è una priorità assoluta per le grandi organizzazioni di imballaggi dei prodotti di consumo. Essere sostenibili significa tener conto delle esigenze del nostro ambiente e delle generazioni future cercando modi per ridurre gli sprechi in tutte le fasi di produzione. Non si tratta solo di una pratica socialmente responsabile; i consumatori, infatti, spesso tengono conto delle prassi di sostenibilità di un brand quando devono prendere decisioni d'acquisto...

Posted October 15, 2020 by X-Rite Color

As brand owners compete to make packaging stand out, commercial and flexible packaging converters and label printers are charged with achieving accurate color – on unique substrates – with shorter print runs. Many spend a lot of time mixing ink, then end up throwing it away when the color isn’t right. Others mix ink, store it, and spend way too much time trying to reuse it for future print runs.  If you’re stuck in this cycle, you’re essentially paying for ink...

Posted August 13, 2020 by Rich Knapp

As the industrial plastics market grows increasingly competitive and demands more sustainable practices, manufacturers need new ways to formulate and produce accurate color faster, with less waste. Digital color standards are one of the most effective tools to bridge this gap. They also enable color work and communication from remote locations.   With digital color standards, brands and designers can set clear expectations with supply chains. In turn, suppliers can achieve color goals wit...

Posted July 31, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Over the last few years, we have heard a lot about the circular economy and omnichannel marketing. While each is a trend in their own right, they are quickly converging on the print industry. To be successful in 2020, commercial printers will need to offer a wide range of print capabilities while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and reducing waste.   The Importance of Circular Economy and Omnichannel In a circular economy, the goal is to eliminate waste and maximize the con...

Posted December 19, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Today is Earth Day. You know the buzz phrase – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – but do you know what it means for your manufacturing process? Designed by Freepik Here are the top three places in a color workflow that can sabotage a company’s sustainability efforts. Not monitoring color throughout production, which leads to expensive rework and wasted raw materials. Incorrect colorant formulation. Are you using too much? Are you wasting the leftovers? Sending color samples back and forth and long approv...

Posted April 22, 2016 by Tim Mouw

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