Color specification can be time consuming, painstaking to manage, and leave room for interpretation. To be successful, apparel, footwear, and soft good brands need to communicate design colors in an objective way that enables suppliers to match the design intent.

Learn Color Specification Best Practices for Apparel, Footwear & Soft Good Brands

Join us for the first webinar in our educational series to learn ways to specify and communicate precise color data with global suppliers to reduce errors and enhance overall productivity.

  • The most common challenges associated with using physical color standards
  • How digital color standards can improve color accuracy and consistency
  • Best practices to streamline your color library for a single source of truth
  • Helpful tips to specify, manage, and communicate custom and private brand colors
  • Easy-to-use solutions to manage color communication and approval

In this 4-part webinar series, we will introduce key components and best practices to help footwear and apparel brands keep up with customer trends, maintain costs, build positive relationships with suppliers, and meet sustainability initiatives.

Join us for these other educational webinars to learn tips to combat color issues in your footwear and apparel specification and production workflow.

Prodotti di riferimento in questo webinar

IM - PLV Private Library Manager Product Page 2024_Granola_700x350

PantoneLIVE Private Library Manager

Per memorizzare e condividere i colori personalizzati

Ci7860 Benchtop Spectrophotometer; Meet Tightest Color Tolerances

Spettrofotometro da banco a sfera Ci7860

Per ottenere le più precise e uniformi misure possibili

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