Improve Deliverables and Drive New Business

Improved Quality and Speed of Deliverables: Within Your Reach

"Like most sites where we have implemented this end-to-end workflow, many of the initial jobs were achieving ColorCert scores of less than 50, which is a failing score. Initially, the corporate quality manager set a goal of 50 for all sites, but has recently bumped that up to 60 based on early results."

Brian Ashe

X-Rite Solutions Architect Brian Ashe made this statement about his work with a large, multi-site converter that serves a marquis portfolio of brands. And the experience is not unusual!

Brands are seeking faster time to market and improved quality. Converters need to meet these needs profitably. Introducing an increased level of process control addresses both needs while extending investments in existing equipment and at the same time, increasing capacity. X-Rite color experts are dedicated to helping customers achieve these ends.

The X-Rite ColorCert Suite was developed from the ground up to enable the packaging industry to better manage the complexities of CMYK, Expanded Gamut, and Spot Color workflows, regardless of the printing process, substrate, or industry standard. Its modular set of tools streamline communications, provide actionable data and enable better utilization of existing people, processes and technologies.

Talk to an X-Rite color expert today to learn how the ColorCert Suite can help you boost productivity and profitability to the next level.

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