Color Expert and PantoneLIVE Platform Manager Raf Mulla explains why it is important to use digital references when specifying color.

When customers specify colors that are not achievable on target substrates, it creates havoc in premedia and production.

These two hang tags present an excellent example. The tag on the left is a great design but simply doesn’t work on the target substrate. With a few adjustments and the help of the PantoneLIVE plug-in for Adobe Illustrator, the designer was able to preview the design simulating the final print and create a better solution – one that was achievable in production! This saved production time and frustration while reducing waste and rework.

Here are three ways to avoid the issue:

  1. Physical standards are great for inspiration but digital standards are best for production. Using a digital standard as represented by the spectral value of a color on a specific substrate with a specific printing technology is the most reliable way to go.

  2. Customers can use the PantoneLIVE plug-in for Adobe Illustrator to preview on screen the results of the final product, and ensure achievable color on the target substrate.

  3. Converters can rely on PantoneLIVE digital dependent standards to meet customer color expectations. It delivers a proven, tested spectral value for the color, taking into consideration the substrate, printing technology and ink system being used.

If you would like to talk with Raf or another X-Rite Color Expert, contact us. 

PANTONE®, PantoneLIVE and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pantone is a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated. Licensed under Sun Chemical Corporation. Sun Chemical’s patented technology enables the communication of a consistent, digital description of the desired appearance of a product. – [U.S. Patent Nos. 7,034,960; 7,202,976; 7,268,918; 7,417,764 and their foreign equivalents]. © Pantone LLC, 2016. All rights reserved.

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