Calibrating the eXacts

Calibrating the eXact

eXact™ Calibration:

: The calibration plaque is dramatically affected by smudge marks and dust, and must be kept clean. It is recommended that the instrument is cleaned regularly. Refer to the Cleaning section later in this manual for procedure on cleaning the calibration plaque and optics.

The instrument has an integrated calibration plaque and will calibrate automatically every 4 hours. When calibration is required before a measurement, the instrument will prompt you. This occurs when the instrument is in the open position (not locked) and the previous calibration has timed out. This can also occur when the measurement condition switch is changed and a calibration has not been performed in that position or has timed out.

The calibration plaque is located directly below the optics when the instrument is in the open position (not locked). When a measurement is taken, the calibration plaque swings back out of the way of the optics.

A calibration is also required when the Measurement Condition switch is changed and calibration has not been performed, or has timed out for that position. In this case, tap the

START button on the screen to begin the procedure and follow the remaining screen prompts.


If the instrument is in a locked down poition, or the calibration plaque has been moved out of position for any reason you will see the error message below.


Performing a Calibration

When a calibration is required and the instrument is in the open position (not locked) the following message appears on the instrument. Locate the instrument on a flat surface and tap the START button. The instrument will display a countdown screen and then perform the calibration.

The calibration option displays the calibration status for the current measurement condition. You can view the other measurement condition calibration status by swiping the screen to the left.

The Calibration button on this screen is used to manually trigger a new calibration, which takes you to the calibration sequence.








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