Difficulties installing a USB driver on Windows XP
Connection or Activation on Windows XP system
If connecting an Xrite instrument to a Windows XP system and the device continues to show that the instrument is disconnected and will not allow you to connect or activate the device, the first thing to verify is that the driver was installed correctly during the software installation. This is normally something that the software will do automatically, however once in a while the manual installation may be necessary.With the device connected to the operating system:
Open the device manager window by right clicking on the My Computer icon -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager OR you can access Device Manager via Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager.
Select Manage which will then open a new window called Computer Management.
Under System Tools you will see Device Manager.
After clicking on Device Manager to open up the files find the X-rite Devices file on the right side of your screen expanding the file by clicking on the plus sign.
You should not see any stop sign or yield sign icons next to the instrument driver (for example ColorMunki in the picture below), if you do and the device is still connected to the computer just highlight Colormunki -> right click -> Scan for New Hardware or select Update Driver to launch the Hardware Update Wizard.
Once the system picks up the driver for updating the Hardware Update Wizard will launch on your system and you need to follow the instructions on screen. Normally selecting ‘Yes, this time only’ option will be sufficient to install the driver and maintain connectivity.