Vale-Tech Ink Manager Dispenser Setup Notes

Application : Ink Manager
Vendor : Vale-Tech
Platform : PC Windows XP
Version : Unknown
Cabling : NA
Notes : The default installation of Ink Manager is pre-configured to operate with Quick-Ink Plus. To enable operation with X-RiteColor master the following steps must be carefully* followed:

Run "Regedit".

Navigate to the following key:


Add a new record of type "DWORD". Steps...

Edit, New, DWORD Value

New record name = "XriteLink"
New record value = 1 (base = Hex)

Add a second record of type "DWORD". Steps...

Edit, New, DWORD Value

New record name = "m2001Format"
New record value = 1 (base = Hex)

With the addition of these keys, you will be able to toggle between Quick-Ink and X-RiteColor Master by setting the value of the second key (0 = Quick Ink, 1 = X-RiteColor Master). You do not need to restart your system following these additions / changes. All registry actions are immediate.

In X-RiteColor Master you will need to enable the dispenser functionality. From the menu bar at the top of the screen select "Options" then "Formulation". As shown below, enable the dispenser and provide the path and filename as illustrated.

Ensure that the "Enable Dispenser Report" is checked and that the "Do not prompt..." is also checked. Click on "OK" when you are finished. Hereafter X-RiteColor Master will output recipies into a folder named "c:\inkman~1" and with the file name "qinkdisp.txt". The Vale-Tech Ink Manager software will need to monitor this folder to complete the link.

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