모델 번호 : 423891
Orange Juice Test Tube Holder Assembly
When used with the Ci7600 benchtop sphere spectrophotometer, this Orange Juice Test Tube holder is mandatory when following the USDA orange juice measurement process.
- Approved by the USDA, the X-Rite Ci7600 spectrophotometer for color grading orange juice in conjunction with X-Rite Color iQC software allows you to measure color scores for frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ), canned concentrated orange juice (CCOJ), concentrated orange juice for manufacturing (COJFM), pasteurized orange juice (POJ), canned single strength orange juice (CSSOJ), and orange juice from concentrate (OJFC) to achieve the OJ standard and deliver verified results.
- The X-Rite solution provides you with an integrated and easy to use test tube holder for juice measurement, enabling you to quickly get your color scores. Those results are displayed as a Citrus Number (CN) in the iQC software. These quantitative values allow citrus producers to accurately evaluate the quality of their products.