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Achieve color success! An X-Rite inline solution can help paper manufacturers monitor color in real time throughout production to keep color and brightness in harmony from laboratory measurement to pulp, wet sheet, and before reel up.

Achieve Color Control on Paper with an Inline Color Measurement System

X-Rite’s Inline Paper Color Measurement and Control System includes a non-contact spectrophotometer, a custom frame to position the device over the paper roll, and quality control software to monitor color throughout the run.

During this free webinar you will learn the benefits of an X-Rite Inline Color Measurement Solution, including:

  • Measure color on the line in real time to maintain 100% color control throughout production.
  • Ensure reliable color measurement with <0.3 dE color correlation to the lab.
  • Avoid costly operator and line errors for less rework and waste up to 50% less material, time, and energy.
  • Attain specific color and accurate whiteness using fewer OBAs
  • Reduce start-up time by up to 30% and shorten transition times by up to 50%.


Michael Saeger - General Manager, Inline Color Solutions
Sandor Tatrai - Key Account Manager EMEA

Watch to learn how X-Rite’s inline colour solutions can help you deliver consistent results for paper.

Webinar presented in English.

이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품

ColorXRA 45

ColorXRA 45

제지 및 플라스틱 인라인을 위한 컬러 측정


Ci7800 벤치탑 분광측색계 (Spectrophotometer)

가장 정확하고 정밀한 측정을 위한 장비

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software ESWIN CLCC.


인라인 폐쇄 루프 색상 품질 관리용

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Technical Questions? Contact Support(888) 826-3042