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Watch this webinar to gain a deeper understanding of color measurement and the primary tool that enables accurate color measurement – a spectrophotometer. You will learn about the different types of spectrophotometers to help you better understand which one is right for your applications or workflow.


Which Spectrophotometer is Right for You?

During this introductory webinar, we will cover the basics of spectrophotometers to help you better understand what they are used for, the different types of geometries and best applications for each, and other insight that will help you achieve more accurate color.

You Will Learn:

  • What a spectrophotometer is
  • How a spectro sees color differently than the human eye
  • The difference between 45:0, sphere, and multi-angle spectrophotometer and what they are used for
  • The difference between inline and offline color measurement systems

Watch now to gain a deeper understanding of color measurement.

이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품


Ci7800 벤치탑 분광측색계 (Spectrophotometer)

가장 정확하고 정밀한 측정을 위한 장비

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Ci64 휴대용 분광측색계

가장 정확하고 정밀한 측정

MetaVue VS3200

MetaVue VS3200

QC 및 배합 측정 용도

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