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In this 4-part webinar series, we will explore the life of a color and explain how to expedite accurate color from inspiration through final production.


Life of a Color Session 1: Inspiration and Ideation

Do you work in a competitive environment where complex colors and exciting new materials are being introduced? In this first session we will explain how to use tools to communicate color inspiration accurately and consistently and get to an approved color faster.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Express your creativity when developing new color palettes
  • Confirm your creative intent by visualizing final outputs
  • Communicate color effectively
  • Get to final approval faster

Join all four sessions in this series to learn how to keep color on target as it moves through a lifecycle.

이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품

PANTORA Software | Create Virtual Materials and File Formats


For Creating Virtual Materials and File Formats

A hallowed gray box called a light booth, or lighting box, with a large blue control panel. The X-Rite is on the side.

SpectraLight QC

중요한 시각 평가를 위한 최고급 라이팅부스

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