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World-Class Color Measurement Spectrophotometer


In this free 10-minute webinar, you will learn why a multi-angle is the preferred spectrophotometer to measure special effects. When coupled with EFX QC software, it enables accurate evaluation and verification of color, sparkle, and coarseness characteristics for effect finishes. Join us to learn how to ensure accurate measurements of both color and appearance and simplify your color measurement processes across your integrated supply chain.


You Will Learn:

  • How a multi-angle spectrophotometer accurately captures an object’s appearance, including surface and texture.
  • How the technology behind the multi-angle spectrophotometer captures all color relevant reflections around the entire surface of the sample.
  • How to fully characterize color, sparkle, and coarseness across a distributed supply chain. 

In today’s competitive marketplace, manufacturers continue to use effect finishes to differentiate themselves. Sign up for our webinar to learn how our multi-angle spectrophotometers can simplify your measurement processes and go beyond color to evaluate appearance effects like sparkle and coarseness. 

이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품



12개 각도로 완전한 특성 측정

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software Auto QC.

EFX QC Software

효과 마감 품질 관리용

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