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Introducing IntelliTrax2 Pro and eXact Auto-Scan Pro! These comprehensive color management solutions enable press operators to see job scores, make adjustments on press, and submit scoring to the cloud from one screen. They also enable the pressroom to dial in G7 process control for each job with new G7 functionality.

You Will Learn:

  • How the IntelliTrax2 Pro and eXact Auto-Scan Pro connect to ColorCert for quality control and assurance
  • How to see immediate scoring performance and submit job scores from the pressroom
  • About G7 press control certification
  • How these solutions offer seamless integration for install, training, troubleshooting, and performance

Watch now to learn what makes X-Rite scanning solutions unique and why you should add one to your workflow.


이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품

A black and grey eXact color scanner with the white and blue logo on the right side.

eXact Auto-Scan Pro

다목적 스캐닝 시스템

The second version of IntelliTrax2 color scanner, a long grey and black product with the desktop computer behind it showing a software.

IntelliTrax2 Pro

프리미어 프레스 사이드 컬러 컨트롤


ColorCert Desktop Tools

For Print Specification and Process Control

Need a Quote? Contact Sales(888) 800-9580

Technical Questions? Contact Support(888) 826-3042