Contact Sales/Support: +1 (888) 800-9580

Are you sick of getting rejections due to color being off spec?

Us too. As one of the most common problems we hear from our customers, we're familiar with the problem of off-spec color. Where the color goes wrong can have a significant impact on labor, materials, productivity, margin and credibility to customer. During this quick 30-minute webinar, we'll discuss the "error stack" that occurs when color goes wrong early on, the impact it has on your bottom line, and easy ways to help get color on spec earlier in the process. 

What You Will Learn:

  • How off-track color can impact the entire workflow down the supply chain.
  • The costly impacts off-spec color can have on your bottom line.
  • What two things to look out for when evaluating and measuring color to get color on spec earlier in the process.

Sign up if you want actionable information to get color that’s on spec. We'll be having a Q&A session after the webinar, so bring your questions! 

이 웨비나에서 참조한 제품


Ci7800 벤치탑 분광측색계 (Spectrophotometer)

가장 정확하고 정밀한 측정을 위한 장비

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Ci64 휴대용 분광측색계

가장 정확하고 정밀한 측정

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software color iqc.

Color iQC Software

QC 및 QA를 위한 소프트웨어

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Technical Questions? Contact Support(888) 826-3042