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To stay competitive, paper mills must operate efficiently. An inline color measurement and control system helps paper mills keep color and brightness in harmony without cutting samples to measure in the lab.

Learn How to Monitor Paper Color and Brightness Throughout Production

Color and brightness are typically the last parameters to be brought into specification at machine startup. An inline color measurement and control system helps paper mill operators adjust color and OBAs in parallel and achieve the right color with the press of a button. It also monitors color throughout production to notify operators of any shifts before the run is wasted.

  • The benefits of an inline color measurement and control system
  • The components you need to get started
  • When to measure paper color
  • How quickly you can expect ROI

Fill out the form to download your free copy.

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software ESWIN CLCC.


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ColorXRA 45

ColorXRA 45

제지 및 플라스틱 인라인을 위한 컬러 측정


ColorXRA 45 Lab

For Paper and Textile Color Measurement

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